Southern Sudanese Independence.

Last week the people of Southern Sudan took part in a referendum to decide whether their region will remain part of the existing state of Sudan or become an independent state. Poles suggest an overwhelming vote in favour of independence, but some commentators are sceptical as to whether the north will give up its power over the South’s vast resources so easily and peacefully.

The archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams warned of the danger of a humanitarian crisis developing, and even of a return to bloodshed, if the diplomatic process failed.

The threat of open war “in and after the referendum period is the most serious thing of all,” he said, “and that signals a return to what have been decades of slaughter and poverty and utter instability in a very large and very vulnerable country.” (Whole article:

It is sad that the road to independence has been paved with blood and sorrow for most of Africa’s states; in fact similar tragedies have occurred throughout the history of man, world-wide.

According to the Bible, the problem started In the beginning, when man wanted to be independent of God His Creator. He desired what appeared to be greater and better things for himself, only to find himself poorer without God.

Whilst independence may work as a political model for the nations, it will never work for man in his relationship to God. Man was not made to be independent. He fulfils his highest potential only in humility and obedience to God. The Westminster shorter catechism states: “man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”

Before man’s call for independence, he walked with God each day in the garden of Eden. After he threw off the yoke and turned his back on God, he found only pain, isolation and heartache. The ground was cursed “thorns and thistles (symbols of pain) shall it yield” (Gen. 3:17-19) and man was separated from God because of sin. Christians believe that the mission of Jesus was to reverse this separation from God and reconcile man to His Creator by means of His atoning death on the cross, where he carried the sin of the world. (See More Free Bible studies).

Humanly speaking, man was never made to be independent. Of course, it was not the plan of the Creator that any man should be subservient. We are not made to be slaves. All men, of whatever nation, religion or race, have equal dignity in the sight of God, as bearers of His image. Yet God’s design in creating male and female was to produce a family unit where the basic relationship was one of interdependence. This remains true for the human family, however large it has become. The man who ploughs the field, the man who sows the seed, the man who works to irrigate the land, and the man who reaps a harvest of crops, all depend upon each other. The millionaire financier would not live long without the workmen who supply him with that basic necessity of life – water.

We live in an age where consider themselves independent of God. The abundance that we find on planet earth, an abundance suited to the survival of man, is regarded by many as being a fortunate accident, rather than the gift of God. It says much about the character of God that He continues to give life, breath and all things to those who are grateful to Him and to those who are not. Jesus said “he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matt. 5:45). Apart from the goodness of God, the sun would not shine and the rain would not fall. Human life itself, as well as the whole creation, is at this moment upheld by his power (Heb. 1:3)

So as nations decide for political independence, let us pause to pray for a peaceful resolution to the world’s problems. And let us also reflect with gratitude on our dependence on almighty God, both as individuals and as nations.

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